A blog about knitting, sewing, baking and other crafts and things I like to make and do.

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Knitting and the pursuit of happiness

When I was young my mother taught me, amongst other things,  how to knit, how to sew and how to bake a mean jam roley poley.

She gave me an appreciation of the joy to be found in a box of buttons and the excitement to be had in discovering a new shade of wool.

What I didn't know then but I do now is that my mum has ongoing clinical depression. She always has had it and probably always will. Back when I was young and to this day, my mum uses craft as way of treating her depression.

She doesn't call it depression. To people of my mum's generation there is still a stigma associated with the condition.

To my lovely beyond words mum, what she has is 'trouble with her nerves'. When my mum feels like her 'nerves' are playing up she reaches for something, anything, craft. She will go from one craft to another until she finds whatever it takes to lift it.

I am very much my mother's daughter and like my mum, I too have depression. There are times when it is so bad that every day is a struggle to stay alive and times when it's just enough for me to feel down and angry with myself and the world. And some days, which are getting more and more frequent, when I feel happy and pleased with who I am.

Just like my mother I am finding that craft, and knitting in particular,  is helping to treat my depression.

This blog entry is for everyone with depression. When all else fails, get knitting!

My mum - crafter extraordinaire and the most wonderful woman in the world - will be 72 on Monday.
Happy Birthday Mummy and thank you for the craft gene :)  xxx

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